Looxid Labs

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Looxid Labs

Looxid Labs

Looxid Labs (www.looxidlabs.com) is a tech start-up to seamlessly integrate an emotion recognition system with VR (virtual reality) using eye and brain interface. In order to make users become more immersed and enhance users'​ feeling of presence in VR, should it be considered to implement adaptive interaction for VR as well as provide users with comfortable experiences in terms of the advanced hardware and compelling VR contents.

Looxid Labs (www.looxidlabs.com) is a tech start-up to seamlessly integrate an emotion recognition system with VR (virtual reality) using eye and brain interface. In order to make users become more immersed and enhance users'​ feeling of presence in VR, should it be considered to implement adaptive interaction for VR as well as provide users with comfortable experiences in terms of the advanced hardware and compelling VR contents.